Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Historic Worthing - the Untold Story

By Chris Hare

Read this to add to my family history research. As with the other book of Chris's I read, it's entertaining and well-written. I learned so much - who would have thought that staid old Worthing, home to thousands of retirees, was once a hotbed of rioting every Bonfire Night? And I never, ever imagined that the following three words would be used together in a section heading: Salvation Army Riots.

To find out more, track down a copy of the book! I bought mine second hand at a Family History Fair. In Worthing, of course.


  1. Sounds like an interesting book. I live in Worthing (Broadwater), but have never read it and I haven't read the other Chris Hare book you mentioned a while back either.
    I was fascinated to read your review about Methold House and your great aunt though. I go into the Guild Care charity shop to check out the second hand books quite frequently and my daughter did volunteer work in there for a while. Maybe I should read these two books, and then I might find Worthing a little bit more interesting!

  2. Hi Susan - I'd definitely recommend this book if you are interested in Worthing's past. The other one is good if you have a particular interest in Guild Care. Chris seems to be the no 1 local historian in Worthing. He's written a number of other books I shall need to track down next! By the way, several of my Methold ancestors are buried in St Mary's cemetery, Broadwater. I stood beside my great-great-great-grandmother's grave there not long ago.

  3. Funny that. I walked past the cemetery on Saturday evening after going in to town with my family. I remarked that all the gravestones looked really weathered and illegible. Presumably your great-great-great grandmother's wasn't though!
    I ought to read Chris Hare, yes, but I'm too obsessed with reading and writing fiction. Just read your story in Fiction Feast. Really enjoyed it, and I'm intrigued to know what you're working on now. Good luck with it, whatever it is!

  4. Hi again - sadly my g-g-g-grandmother's grave is unmarked. I know where she is from the parish records. Oddly, she was buried in a plot between one of her daughters and her son-in-law. Imagine that - having your mother-in-law between you even in death (cue story idea...) Many of the other Methold graves are in good condition though.
